Alexandria Office

1505 King St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

Therapists in this office:
Tiffanie Williams


Street parking is available on surrounding streets. Most parking is at no charge and with some time restrictions.

Building access

The reception area is located just inside the main entrance. Please text your counselor from there, and your counselor will show you to the office. Masks are required at all times in the building. Given the limited waiting area and proximity to the building's external door, only therapy participants should attend sessions. Children who accompany their parent(s) must be young enough to not be impacted by the content discussed in the session. Children are not allowed in the waiting area unattended.

Given the limited waiting area and proximity to the building's external door, only therapy participants should attend sessions. Children who accompany their parent(s) must be young enough to not be impacted by the content discussed in the session. Children are not allowed in the waiting area unattended.